Help us DO the GUD!
We are working to secure our first official facility! Please consider becoming a part of the ISS Inc family with your donation so we can hold more workshops and events that strengthen our communities!
Happy DO Year!
If you don’t know Anjene “AJ” Davis, you have robbed yourself of seeing GUDness in ACTION! HIS commitment to the families in our community aligns with how we C.A.R.E.! Your legacy of service, equity, and accountability keeps ISS Inc and others motivated as we continue to see the need and do the GUD (Get Up & Do)!
Welcome to the GUDe Mob where we assist households and HBCUs in states along the Gullah Geechee Corridor and Trail of Tears.
Click below to learn more about our growing programs and join “AJ” in our DoGUDer Gallery!
Fresh start
You provided the portable shower bags through our Amazon Wish List and they are being delivered as we go from city to city doing the GUD.
Met Von in a New Orleans hostel where he works and ended up giving an impromptu Undercover Chef class to assist in their culinary efforts. We fellowshipped and right before departure we asked him to fill the shower bag with water and deliver to a community we met living under I-10 less than 2 blocks away. He said gladly and made sure he understood the directions so he could educate the recipients.
It’s the smile and eagerness to spread GUDness that made our day! See our live on IG by clicking the link below!